Pete had his checkup today and is looking good! He weighed in at 15 lbs. 12 oz. and is 25.5 inches long … the doctor said he is doing great and that he acts more like a 6 month old than a 4 month old!
Pete is four months old! Time is flying by … I look at him and cannot believe that just four short months ago he was a tiny (relatively speaking) newborn. He was supposed to have his four month well visit today, but it was cancelled because of Irene and a lack of power at the office … I’ll update the post with his latest stats after his appointment on Thursday!
Pete has the best personality. He is laid back, funny, sometimes shy, good natured and I just cannot get enough of him. Pete “talks” all the time, smiles, laughs, squeals, splashes like crazy in the bath, rolls over, reaches for toys and grabs at anything and everything he can get his hands on. He loves Bailey, and she elicits the biggest smiles from him … he wears mostly 6 month clothing and size 3 diapers!
Here are some pictures of our favorite pictures (click to enlarge) from Pete’s fourth month:
We love being Pete’s parents and look forward to what he has in store for us this month!
We spent most of last week on the Cape with my parents and it was great to get away and have some quality family time. Poor Pat had to leave on Thursday for a work trip to NJ, but Pete and I managed to have a little bit of fun on our own.
Beach Bum
My parents were staying in Chatham, so we had dinner at Pat’s parents house in Harwich on Tuesday night. Pete was doted on by his adoring grandparents and it was so fun to have everyone together!
The rest of the week was spent loungin’ at the beach. Pete even dipped his little toes in the water and loved it!
I’m hoping to have a slideshow up soon with pictures from the last few weeks … for now, I’ll leave you with this one of our smiley guy!
Pete is three months old as of Tuesday! I cannot believe it. We have no official stats to report because he doesn’t go to the doctor’s until his 4 month checkup. But I’d say he’s growing like a weed, as eating seems to be one of his favorite activities! He is changing every day and I am just amazed watching him learn new things.
Pete’s been quite the man about town these last few weeks. His auntie Kristen took a day off from work so we went up to Southie to spend the day with her. We had planned to walk around Castle Island, but it was about a 100 degrees out and incredibly humid, so we stayed cool in the air conditioning instead.
He also visited auntie Liz in Cambridge for a day. We were having a lovely picnic in JFK park when this squirrel decided it wanted what we had.
Despite our best efforts to chase it away (and to the amusement of those around us) it just kept coming closer and closer. So we ended the picnic and walked along the Charles River and through Harvard Square instead!
Pete also attended his first Waterfire. It’s hard to describe (and even harder to capture on film) but is such a neat experience and we had fun walking around downtown Providence with him – though next time, we’ll bring the Bjorn! Navigating the walkways with a gigantic stroller proved to be the trickiest part of the night!
Pete’s also been in the process of acquiring some beach gear and donned his new sunglasses for the first time – inside, at night, but he doesn’t know that!
Pete is such a fun little guy to be around. He brings us so much joy and happiness and I love spending my days hanging out with him. He’s my little buddy and I feel so lucky to be his mama!
Pat and I had very similar childhoods growing up, right down to when our parents got married. My parents just celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary and Pat’s just celebrated their 35th! We are very proud of them and know how fortunate we are to have grown up with parents that loved each other then and continue to love each other now. Pete is a lucky little grandson and both sets of grandparents insist he’s the best anniversary present. We tend to agree!
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Conroy - July 18, 1975Bana, Birdie and Pete - July 17, 2011Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marr - July 24, 1976Nana, Grampa and Pete - July 24, 2011
Not much to report, so figured I’d just share some pictures from the weekend! Pete went to his first graduation party on Saturday and then we had a low-key day on Sunday, taking full advantage of the gorgeous weather and spending lots of time outside!
Talking with BirdieHelping Bana check her messagesHanging with Auntie KristenNot Shay's fault he's crying. Really!Exhausted after a busy day, sound asleep on dad's shoulderVery concernedTesting out the Bjorn facing forward for the first time!
Pete continues to grow, change and amaze me every day. We just hate having him around 😉
Pete is a lucky little guy and has spent lots of time at the Cape the last two weekends visiting his Nana and Grampa Marr! We started off his first visit with a trip to Coast Guard beach, one of my (and Bailey’s) favorite places. We head there at the start of almost every Cape trip because dogs are allowed year-round at all National Seashore beaches. Which means Bailey gets to run. And run. And run. The more exhausted she is, the better behaved she is!
It was Pete’s first trip to the beach and we loved it. Brienna spent many a weekend tucked safely inside me as Pat, Bailey and I played on the beach. I dreamed of being able to walk with her in a carrier or hold her little hand as our family strolled the beach. My heart broke a little when we visited with Pete, because I never got to live that dream with Brienna. I always feel just a little closer to her near the water, so it was emotional to finally live out that dream with Pete … I hope we get to do it many, many more times.
Here are some pictures from Pete’s first weekend:
Pete and Auntie LizContent in Grampa's armsSound asleep in Nana's arms
Fourth of July weekend was extra special because Nana Quinn was visiting as well. She and Pete spent lots of time together and Pete told her all his secrets while she listened intently:
Pete had lots of fun hanging outside with his dad:
And celebrated the holiday in style:
Happy 4th of July!
He also watched his first fireworks at Pam and Steve’s house on Hyannis Harbor. Per usual, he was unaffected by the noise and seemed to watch in fascination as the sky was lit up:
We capped off the long weekend with Pete’s first daytime trip to the beach. I don’t think he quite knew what to make of the sand, but seemed to love the breeze and the sound of the waves. Either way, he looked adorable and we can’t wait for many more trips to the beach and the Cape!
Pete was taking a bath! The little man is very good about his baths. While I don’t think he loves them just yet, he seems pretty content and doesn’t cry. One thing is for sure: he looks pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself!