Happy 2nd Birthday Pete!

Poor Pete’s had a rough start to his birthday.  For the first time in his two years, he threw up.  And was up all night intermittently throwing and going.  We all cuddled on the couch overnight and it was heartbreaking to watch him feel so miserable.  He was such a trooper and seems to be on the mend now, so hopefully that is the end of it.

If I thought Pete’s first year flew by, his second year has gone even faster.  I cannot believe he is two already!  He’s been very excited about his birthday and we had plans to go to the aquarium for the day, but we had to postpone and will hopefully go another day soon.  He took the news pretty well and we’re still hoping to go to the zoo tomorrow.  Pete’s one request for his birthday was a motorcycle, but I told him that would likely never happen on my watch … I think he’ll survive 🙂

A lot has changed since this day two years ago:


Pete is such a sweet, funny, happy, smart and lovable guy.  He gives the best hugs, is so empathetic and sometimes I still can’t believe he’s our son.  We won the lottery when it comes to kids. He has truly changed our lives in the most amazing way possible.

Happy Birthday Pete!  We love you so much and are so lucky to be your parents.

Spring Has Sprung!

Finally. We’ve been taking advantage of the great weather and doing lots of playing outside.  Pete loves going to the playground, and luckily there are a couple within walking distance of our house. Slides make him happy!

playground pics


We’ve also been spending lots of time at the zoo.  Not only does Pete love the animals (elephants and giraffes are his favorite) but there is a cool little playground too, and his favorite thing to do is paint.

zoo pics


Happy Spring!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Pete’s had a great St. Patrick’s Day weekend!  We went to a parade yesterday, which he loved.  There were endless fire trucks, police cars and boats.  There was great music, lots of dancing and it was just a fun day. Pete watched most of the action atop Dada’s shoulders.  It was pretty cute watching him dance and exclaim “another one” every time he saw a fire truck or police car.  He was tuckered out by the end, and almost fall asleep in my arms.


Pete’s a lucky little Irishman and got some new St. Paddy’s Day clothes from ShayKay’s parents, Una and Padraig.  We love them!  He wore one of his new shirts to school on Friday and got so many compliments.  The scally cap is from Ireland too (a gift from Shay and Kris when they were there for Christmas) but he likes throwing it off his head more than he likes wearing it.  He looks so cute in it though, and I can’t wait for him to like wearing it.

photo (24)

We went to an Irish pub this afternoon to watch some Irish step dancing.  Pete loved it.  Every time the kids finished, he would say “again! again!”.  He danced to the Irish music and had such rosy red cheeks – if I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’d been drinking!  He even scored this green hat:

leprechaun pete

From our mischievous little leprechaun to yours, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



A Mind of His Own

Pete and I went for a walk this afternoon.  He thoughtfully put a pair of Pat’s old ski goggles in the stroller and off we went.  We walked at Pete pace up the hill and then he decided to put the goggles on and rest for a minute:

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He wore the goggles the rest of the walk and waved at everyone he saw.  I was smiling to myself the whole time.  He just might be one of the funniest people I know.

Blizzard of 2013

The Blizzard of 2013 dumped two feet of snow on us!  We hibernated most of the weekend, but also took advantage of the snow to play outside.  Pete loves shovels, and seeing them makes him very happy.  So we bought him his very own, Pete-sized shovel just for the storm.  He could not have been cuter with it. He was so excited to “help Dada shovel” and did a great job Friday night before the worst of the storm hit.  shovel collageHe loved being outside in the snow and had so much fun playing with us and chasing Bailey:


snowflake catching

Pete loved watching for the “noisy snowclouds” (snowplows).  He was fascinated by them.  He also tried sledding for the first time.  All day, he talked about “sledding today!”  So we bundled him all up and headed over to a hill near our house.  I think the idea of sledding was more fun than actually doing it.  But he tried it and looked really adorable doing it!

sledding collageIt was a pretty great way to spend the weekend and we hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

I’ve been playing catch up with posts, so you can read about Pete’s first day of school here.  And you can (finally) read about Christmas here.


First Day of School

Pete had a major change to his routine this week.  I started a new job as a school nurse, which meant that Pete started school too!  He is still lucky enough to be watched by his grandparents two days a week, but will now go to school three days a week.  We looked at several schools in our area, but all loved one the best. We’ve had several play dates there and talked a lot about this new chapter in our lives, so his first day wasn’t a total surprise to him. He’s so easygoing and really enjoyed being with the other kids.  On his last play date before he started, he didn’t want to leave and kept asking to “play kids?” … so that helped make us both feel better, as we agonized over the decision on whether to give up my 24 hour/week job in the hospital to start working five days a week.  We ultimately decided that working shorter days and having weekends, holidays and summers off would be better for our whole family.

first day of school breakfast


walking in


inspecting lunch

It was incredibly difficult to leave him that first day.  He was so excited to be there playing until he realized that Pat and I would be leaving.  Then the tears started.  The teachers promised us he would be okay, and I stood in the hallway until he stopped crying (crying myself, of course).  The school has webcams in every classroom, so we were able to check in on him all day.  His teachers also called with updates to let us know how he was doing.  He was a little tearful at times, but overall had a great first day and I know he’s going to love it.  We lucked out this week too because I had my first snow day today and got to stay home and snuggle with my buddy all day instead!



Pete and I have both been sick, which made for a very long week. We’re finally on the mend and feeling better, but Pete woke up crying in the middle of the night on Friday.  I usually give it a few minutes to see if he’ll settle back down but then I heard a “hug, Mama?” so I went in to check on him.  He stood up for a hug and wanted to snuggle.  As we rocked in the glider, he looked into my eyes and said “I love you Mama”.  I melted.  And then cried.  Those words from his little lips might just be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.  As he drifted off to sleep in my arms (a very rare occurrence) I felt like the luckiest person in the world.  Because of him, I am.

Christmas 2012

It’s hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone so quickly. All the anticipation of the day and then it’s over in the blink of an eye.  We had a great Christmas.  I love living close to both of our families, because we get to see almost everyone.  We spent Christmas Eve at Nana Q’s condo with the Quinn clan:


And then spent Christmas Day with the Conroy clan:


Pete was so good.  We didn’t leave Nana’s condo until after 10:00, but he still chatted and sang the whole ride home!  He was exhausted Christmas morning.  Pat and I were definitely more excited than he was, but we had fun and loved spending time with our families.  It was a very good few days 🙂

Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year too!


The Christmas Spirit

For the past several years, our little household has been lacking Christmas spirit.  We learned our sweet Brienna had Trisomy 18 on Christmas Eve 2008.  So this time of year has weighed heavily on us, and I just couldn’t muster up the energy to feel happy and excited about Christmas.  Last year was certainly better than the three years prior, but happiness still felt too … fragile.  I was afraid to embrace the fact that things were good.  I felt like it could all disappear if I didn’t cling to that fear. Even writing this makes me worry that something horrible is going to happen to our family.

The fear and sadness still linger, but this year, we’re embracing Christmas.  Seeing Christmas through Pete’s eyes is incredible.  He doesn’t totally understand, but he knows something is going on and it excites him, which excites us.  We all decorated the tree together and every day he stops, turns on the lights and says “boot-i-ful tree”.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care (and quickly removed because he loved pulling them – and their brass holders – down), but when Pete sees them, he declares it “pretty” and just stares for a minute.


He loves to sing Jingle Bells and Deck the Halls and when he wakes up from his nap, I’ll hear him singing Jingle Bells all on his own.  It’s adorable.  He knows who Santa Claus is and loves to catch a glimpse of him.  He says “Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!” all the time, but has become a bit camera shy and I haven’t been able to capture it on video.  We were out shopping this week and I’m pretty sure every person we met got a “Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!” from him.  He makes me smile, and he makes everyone he meets smile.  He’s such a special boy and it’s difficult to be anything but happy and excited around him.

We went to Edaville Railroad tonight.  I remember going there as a kid, and couldn’t wait to bring Pete.  As we boarded the train and watched him take it all in with his little face pressed against the glass, I couldn’t help but tear up just a little.  We’ve come a long way these last few years.  I feel so blessed this Christmas and so happy to be celebrating with our precious Pete.


Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving came and went in a blur this year.  I can’t believe it’s almost December already … Pete and I talked a lot about who he was going to see on Thanksgiving this year.  He was very excited to see his Nana, Bumpa, Lizzie, Aunt Maureen (Aunt Mo-Mo) and Nana Quinn.  Over the summer, Nana Quinn taught Pete to say “giddy-up!” when he sat on his rocking horse. So the day before Thanksgiving, he asked me if giddy up was going to be there.  And now that’s what he calls Nana Quinn.  Sometimes, he calls her Q, which is equally adorable.  We sing songs at night about all the people that love him, and without fail, when I mention Nana Quinn now, he stops, smiles at me and says “giddy up”.  It’s pretty cute.  They have a special bond and I love it.

We in the Marr house are thankful a lot; our families and friends especially, but most certainly for Pete.  He has changed our lives so much and I am forever thankful that I get to be his mom.