Pool Party!

Pete took his first dip in KK and ShayKay’s pool today! He was hesitant at first, but once he warmed up to it, he had NO fear.  It was borderline disturbing.  He would launch himself off the edge of the deck into the pool, not caring if there was anyone there to catch him (there always was).  Kris and I spent most of the afternoon anticipating his every move and catching him as he laughed and screamed and jumped right in.  It was exhausting but so much fun and I can’t wait do it again!  Though I see a life jacket in his future 🙂

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pete in the pool

Happy Birthday Brienna

Where does the time go? Brienna would be four years old today.  It seems impossible for that to be true, and yet it is. I remember the day our baby girl was born like it was yesterday.  I can feel the weight of her little body in my arms and I can feel the tears slide off my cheeks onto hers. I miss her.


We told Pete that today was Brienna’s birthday and that was why we were bringing her some balloons.  He was thoughtful for a minute and then said “Oh! Brienna needs a cupcake for her birthday” … I would give anything to watch her eat cupcakes on her birthday.  I hope that she’s enjoying as many as she wants in her corner of Heaven.  But more importantly, that she feels all the love from her family here on Earth.

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         Birthday balloons and a rose from her rosebush

Happy 4th Birthday, sweet Brienna Marie.  We love you and miss you so much.