Thank You

We just wanted to say a quick thank you for all of your love and support.  We truly could not ask for better families and friends and appreciate all your kind words and prayers more than you know.  This is certainly a challenging time for us, but it is so comforting to know that we are not alone …

Although we had planned on keeping the sex of Minimarr a surprise until delivery, when we found out he/she had Trisomy 18, we changed our minds.  We decided that we wanted as much time as possible to bond with our baby and knowing if we were having a boy or a girl would help us do just that.  Last week in a meeting with our genetic counselor, we found out quite accidentally that our sweet little one is a precious baby girl.  We have a daughter!!!!

We feel truly blessed to be her parents and love her more than we ever thought possible; she is truly a gift.  It breaks our hearts to know that we won’t have as much time with her as we want, but at the same time, we know how lucky we are to get to know her now.

We had an ultrasound today and got to see our sweet little angel again.  It’s comforting each and every time to see her moving around and hear her little heartbeat.  As hard as it is for us to see our baby and know that we won’t have nearly enough time with her, we treasure every opportunity to visit with her.  Despite the sadness and uncertainty that surrounds each visit to the doctor, we cherish every moment we get to spend staring at our beautiful girl.  She looks perfect to us …

Thank you again for all your support, we are lucky to have you in our lives.

Pat and Laurie

Change in Plans …

This is by far the hardest post we’ve had to write, but we learned some sad news last week and felt it was time to share with all of you … our precious little baby has Trisomy 18.

Trisomy 18 is a chromosomal abnormality/genetic defect – essentially a fluke – second only in occurrence to Downs Syndrome.  Sadly, Trisomy 18 is considered “incompatible with life”.  Most babies die before birth, and the few who do make it typically live just a few minutes, hours or days.  A very small number of babies (<10%) live at least one year.

At this point, we don’t know what the future holds for MiniMarr, but are planning to carry this little baby as long as he/she will allow us to.  We know the outlook is grim, but we’re holding on to hope and praying that God will guide us.  We are so sad to know that our little baby won’t have the life we dreamed of, but we still love him/her very much and just ask for your love and support.

Despite the incredible loss we’re experiencing, we know how lucky we are to have such amazing family and friends and we are beyond grateful for them.  We especially want to thank our parents and sisters for being such an immense support to us over the last week.  We know how much they are hurting too, but they’ve been so strong for us and we truly would not have survived without them.

If you’re interested in more information, the Trisomy 18 Foundation is an excellent reference.

Pat and Laurie

Waterfront Property

When it rains as heavily/consistently as it did the last couple of days, we have the unfortunate problem of flooding.  Not our basement (thank goodness!) but our neighborhood.  We live at the bottom of a small hill, on the corner of two streets.  Both sides completely flood, so we’re essentially stuck at our house when it’s really bad.  A few cars almost always get stuck in the water, which results in the street being blocked off at both ends, and cops at either end to make sure no one tries to pass through.  Luckily, Pat and I have two driveways, so can usually manage to get both our cars in one or other, depending on where the flooding is worse.  Here are a few pictures of our luxurious waterfront property:

Bailey is petrified of the water.  She apparently thinks it poses some sort of imminent danger and therefore won’t leave the yard when the water is there, which is actually quite convenient.  Generally, we do not let her outside without a leash (she has a tendancy to want to run away and explore other parts of the neighborhood).  When the water is there though, we can stand on the deck, she’ll run out back and do her business as fast as possible, while fearfully looking at the water like it might eat her.  She’s very tough.  Last night, Pat and I met up with some friends for dinner.  When we got home, it was late so Pat quickly took Miss B outside – off her leash.  Unfortunately, it was pitch dark outside and Bailey didn’t remember that the water was there and apparently couldn’t see it.  (For those of you that know B, you know nothing she does is slow.  Everything, whether it be eating, drinking or running down the stairs, is done at warp speed).  In her typical spastic manner, she tried to run away and was quite surprised when she landed in the ice cold water!  She has never swam before, but after sputtering around for little bit, she quickly learned!  She was one wet, cold dog, but Pat and I could not stop laughing. She just had this stunned look on her face … it was priceless.  Hopefully it means that she’ll become quite the swimmer this summer down the Cape and in Maine!

After drying out overnight, B had a photo shoot today for her 2008 Christmas card, it was very exciting and we got a few great shots … we’ll keep you in suspense until they’re mailed out!

In baby news, I had another appointment this week (17 weeks) and everything looks good!  MM’s heart was ticking away at 155 beats/minute.  I asked my MD about the theory that boys have heartbeats less than 150 and girls have heartbeats greater than 150, and he said there was absolutely no truth to it, so I still have no inclination whether it’s a little boy or a little girl in there, but I suppose we’ll know soon enough!  May will be here before we know it … and, we have an ultrasound scheduled for the first week in January, so will get to take another peek at our little peanut – we can’t wait!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Stay warm 🙂

Sleeping Beauty

For the record, Bailey is generally not allowed on the couch.  But if this blanket goes anywhere near the couch, she knows it’s hers and that it is okay to jump up.  It cracks us both up!  And clearly in this picture she is not pleased that I disturbed her!

In baby news, MiniMarr is 16 weeks along, and about the size of an avocado – which of course means that Pat asks how the guacamole is every time he sees me 🙂  So far the guacamole is excellent!  All my friends tell me I should start feeling him/her move in the next few weeks, which I am pretty excited about!

Babies ‘R Us

As Pat mentioned earlier, several of our friends have recently had babies.  Two more babies were born this weekend, so I figured I’d officially welcome them all to the world …

Billy and Erika started things off on October 18, with Emily Margaret.  Miss Emily made her parents wait to meet her and was almost two weeks late … the proud new parents say it was all worth it though!  We met Emily the day she was born and it’s hard to believe she is over a month old already!!

Debbie, Mike and big brother Ruairi welcomed Tiernan Jude on November 8.  Tiernan also made his parents wait, and was a week late arriving to the world!  Ruairi was born in London, so it was fun celebrating with little Tiernan born in the good ol’ USA!  He is adorable, and looks just like his brother!

Sarah and Andrew next welcomed Miss Abigail Katherine to the world on November 11.  Abby was a bit kinder to her parents and only a few days late!  We were lucky enough to meet Abby when she was just a few days old, and can’t wait to see her again next weekend!

Michael and Kristen welcomed Lucas Michael to the world on November 28, three days ahead of schedule!  Luke and his parents live in Ohio, so we won’t meet him for awhile, but can’t wait until we do – he is such a cutie!

And Jodie and Ricky just welcomed the adorable Miss Sadie Brooks to the world early this morning! Sadie was due  December 9.  So she arrived 10 days early, much to her parents delight!!  I can’t wait to meet her this weekend!!

Next up are Amanda and Nick, set to welcome Miss Antonia Maya into the world on/around January 8!

Congratulations again to all of our friends!  We’re so excited for everyone, and are so lucky MiniMarr will have so many of his/her own friends to grow up with!!  We’ve got 4 girls and 2 boys already, I wonder what MM will be?!  Will things even off and we’ll have a boy?  Or will all the boys be outnumbered?  And will he/she be late?  Or early?  It’s hard to believe we have less than 6 months to find out!

Weekends …

I love weekends … they are so relaxing and it’s so nice to spend quality time with the family.  I had to work Friday night, so slept during the day on Saturday, but after I woke up, Pat and I just hung out and relaxed.  It was wonderful. We had no agenda, and ended up going to dinner and a movie – an actual date!  We saw the new Bond movie (wasn’t that good) but had such a nice time anyway.  Sunday we woke up, had breakfast hung out, watched the Pats win and gave Bailey the most thorough grooming of her life.  She was bathed, brushed, furminated and all her long fur was trimmed.  She looks a little choppy, but hey, we’re not professionals!  She smells clean, and looks great!  The bath totally wore her out, and she slept most of the rest of the afternoon, it was pretty funny.  Last night, we headed up to dinner at my parents house, where B played with Mags and tuckered herself out even more – gotta love it!  She is such a well behaved dog when she’s tired/sleeping 🙂 When we got home, we discovered that we could use Netflix on Pat’s XBOX, which might be the coolest thing ever.  All you do is set up your queue and then turn on XBOX and the movies will play right on your TV.  It was so awesome!  We watched several Law and Order episodes before heading off to bed.  Technology is great, but my techie husband is even better, because I would have had NO idea that was even possible!

In baby news, the human nugget is 15 weeks today!  Every website tells you something different, but we like because everything relates to food … this week, “the baby measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple)”  It’s amazing how much he/she is growing each week!  To think I have a little apple swimming around inside of me is just crazy, but so amazing.  I don’t think we have another ultrasound until 20 weeks, so it will be even more amazing to see how much he/she will grow between now and then!  The 20 week ultrasound is also the “big reveal” to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl, but as most of you know, we don’t want to find out!  There aren’t many true surprises in life, so we’re going to wait until that moment in the delivery room when they tell us “It’s a …!”  Lucky for us, we know it’s only one of two things – at least we hope anyway 😉

Hope everyone has a good (short) week … Happy Thanksgiving!

2nd Trimester!

Monday marked the beginning of my 14th week of pregnancy, the official start of the second trimester – it seems like such a long time ago that we found out we were pregnant, yet it still feels so new and exciting!  It’s a relief to be in the second trimester, because the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly … and I finally told my boss at work, which means the cat is officially out of the bag.  Now at least everyone will know that there is a reason I walk around with a goofy grin on my face all day!  According to, this week MM can “squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. He now measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces.”  Crazy huh?

We can’t wait to see everyone on Thanksgiving!!

Quick Thought

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve seen two sets of our closest friends have their first children. And in that time frame Laus and I have been lucky enough to visit them not long after their big moment.

So we’ve been able to see some pretty Fresh Baby. Not your run of the mill, week-old newborn: I’m talkin’ hours old Fresh.  And when there’s Fresh Baby, there’s also Exhausted Parent. And these Exhausted Parents were still stressed, frazzled, and getting ready for many sleepless nights to come. (No offense guys, but you all looked like you got hit by a bus. Or two.) 🙂

Yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so utterly happy, proud and smiling so wide. Despite all the waiting, all the stress, and the complete lack of sleep, they’re beaming brighter than the sun.

So I guess we’ve got that to look forward to.


ps. Please vote in the poll on the right before Laus makes me get rid of the ridiculous choices!

It looks just like me…

That’s what my boss, Vin, told me, anyway.

This little nugget is about 2.5 inches.
This little nugget is about 2.5 inches.

At one point during the ultrasound, the technician was working the Doppler to see if she could get a better angle. I think we woke it (yeah, we’re still working on a fetus name) up.

It started moving around and it looked like it gave us a wave…

One finger is working....
One finger is working....

or it was flipping us off for waking it up. Given how I respond to being woken from a sound sleep, I’m thinking it was a single finger salute. Either way, it was amazing to see movement.

One Last Picture....
One Last Picture....

Horse poop and Heartbeats

I learned something very disturbing about our precious Bailey last night.  Pat and I stayed at my parents house on Saturday night.  We had a birthday party for Andrea (happy birthday Andrea!) and then I had a baby shower in the morning and Pat was heading to the Cape to help his dad paint, so it made sense to just stay in Canton rather than drive to back to RI.  Anyway, while I was at the baby shower yesterday afternoon, my parents took B and Maggie to the golf course, something they always do.  Apparently, this time, Bailey decided that it was a good idea to eat fresh horse poop.  My mom said she was literally tossing it in the air and catching it.  When my parents caught up to her to tell her “NO“, she ran away, eating the poop all the while.  I can’t quite look at her the same and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to … gross.

In human baby news, today marks the beginning of our 13th week of pregancy!  YEAH!!  We had an ultrasound this afternoon, and saw our little shrimp – the size of the baby, according to 🙂  It was so awesome, both Pat and I were totally enthralled.  The baby is already so much bigger than our last ultrasound 5 weeks ago; it actually looks like a baby!  It was all curled up in a corner, so the ultrasound tech got it to move, and we saw it squirm all over the place.  It was totally amazing, and neither one of us expected to be able to see so much!  We saw the profile of it’s face, and we saw arms and legs.  It even waved at us at one point, haha.  We also got to hear the heartbeat, which was incredible.  It’s beating strong at 162 and everything is “right on track” according to the doctor.  I feel so relieved and am so excited to finally be able to start telling our family and friends the good news!!  I know we waited a long time to share with everyone, but it just felt right for us, and now I can’t wait for everyone to know!!

P.S. Pictures of the ultrasound will be posted later this week!

EDIT: Here’s just one of the ultrasound shots. We’ll post more later once they’re all scanned in…

Now That's a Mini Marr!
Now That's A Mini Marr!