Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving came and went in a blur this year.  I can’t believe it’s almost December already … Pete and I talked a lot about who he was going to see on Thanksgiving this year.  He was very excited to see his Nana, Bumpa, Lizzie, Aunt Maureen (Aunt Mo-Mo) and Nana Quinn.  Over the summer, Nana Quinn taught Pete to say “giddy-up!” when he sat on his rocking horse. So the day before Thanksgiving, he asked me if giddy up was going to be there.  And now that’s what he calls Nana Quinn.  Sometimes, he calls her Q, which is equally adorable.  We sing songs at night about all the people that love him, and without fail, when I mention Nana Quinn now, he stops, smiles at me and says “giddy up”.  It’s pretty cute.  They have a special bond and I love it.

We in the Marr house are thankful a lot; our families and friends especially, but most certainly for Pete.  He has changed our lives so much and I am forever thankful that I get to be his mom.

4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2012”

  1. We are so thankful for Pete every single day! And we love watching Nana Q. and Pete play 🙂
    Nana and Bumpa

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